Monday, September 28, 2009

Big win...and grad school finally arrives (kindof)

So I had my first grad school exam on Thursday. It went well...I got a 35/36 on it. It was open book and my professor gave us the topic of each question the week before the test. Not exactly what I expected from grad school. None of my classes have been to this point. Not that I mind...just seems weird. I'm not paying for it, though, so I guess deep down, I really don't mind much.

We had an easy win on Wednesday and a huge, hard fought battle on Saturday with volleyball. After Texas A&M beat perennial national contender Nebraska earlier in the week, they came into our place ready to roll us out of our own building. They went up 2 games to none but Mizzou came storming back after the intermission. After tying up the match 2 games a piece....Mizzou but the hammer down to complete the comeback. It was a huge win for us at home. Now we head on the road for 2 tough games against Baylor and Iowa State, both of which are ranked in the top 25. Mizzou's record sits at 10-4 to this point and we have the best start at home to start the season since 2003.

The Cardinals finally clinched the division the other day. Now it's on to the playoffs. I have tickets for game 5 of the first round if need be. I would rather them clinch early, though.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's 7 am on Tuesday...what else woujld I be doing

I am super tired. I'm definitely not a fan of opening up work at 6 am back to back days. It's rough. Especially if you don't get home from class Monday night until 1015...That already puts me at less that 8 hours.

I finally get to stay home this weekend. First time in 3 weeks that I'm not traveling. It should be nice.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ugh....what a weekend

So I just spent 4 days in Ann Arbor, Michigan helping their economy and breathing their air. Yuck. While the volleyball team went 3-1 over the weekend...we did get beat by the freakin wolverines. Doesn't matter if I'm at Mizzou or not...I will always hate losing to Michigan.

To top it off, I had to be in that city on a weekend in which they had a huge football upset and my beloved Buckeyes were taken down in the final minutes against USC after winning most of the game. I had to watch the game in the middle of a hated rivals town.'s good to be there. Hopefully I don't catch anything from being in Ann Arbor for 4 days.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Welcome to the the mountains of Mormon-land

So I'm in Utah (Salt Lake City more specifically) this weekend for a volleyball tourney. We got in last night after a long day of travel but overall it wasn't a bad day. We play tonight at 4 local time and tomorrow we have 2 games. When we first rolled in...I was not impressed with the mountains and Salt Lake and all of that jazz that comes with this state. However, today in the sunlight without the smoggyness..the mountains were quite impressive. They just surround everything and project through the sky in a very powerful way. It is actually pretty cool. Hopefully we can pull out a win tonight and a couple tomorrow and get back to MO 6-0.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

scratch that

Sarah probably is not coming this weekend unless a miracle happens....this sucks.

Hit the ground running

1 class done....another this afternoon....supposed to be 1 more tonight but I'm not attending. Volleyball is hosting a tourney this weekend so I've got super busy days today, tomorrow, and Saturday. Sarah hopefully gets here on Saturday night. She needs too b/c I will definitely need some hang out time after this weekend is over. It's been too long since we've seen each other.

I gotta clean the house tonight so she doesn't think I'm a slob and since there isn't much other time during the weekend.

Life is good.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Meat and Potatoes

Two-a-days are all but over for volleyball. No practice tomorrow and 1 on Sunday so I guess technically they are done. We had the Black & Gold game tonight which went over without a hitch. I'm excited to get into the season and start traveling to places I've never been before.

Class starts Monday. Not sure I'm as ready for that. I have no clue where classes are and really dont want to get back into homework. I honestly feel almost like a freshman again not knowing how this school operates and where to find the information I need.

I'm getting excited for Sarah to get here. She is supposed to be 1 week away from getting here. Hopefully the car trouble she just got won't keep her there longer than needed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This and that

First day of volleyball starts tomorrow. I finally get some use to all the work I've been doing the last couple of weeks.

Wedding plans are coming together. The date and location is set. Now we are just getting our wedding party finalized. Things are coming together quickly.

School starts in a couple of weeks. I'm semi-excited for what grad school will be like and partially not ready for class again.

Fall shows are starting back up which should add some flavor to my schedule.

Only 3 weeks til Sarah gets here. It seems like it's been forever.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trade Deadline, Staff Outings, and Mizzou Mustache Madness

So the trade deadline came and went yesterday with a flurry of activity. I feel like it was much more than I remember happening in years past. Some seriously big names changed hands yesterday and in the days prior. While the Cardinals didn't make any deals yesterday, they had already made several deals that have been paying off at amazing rates. Holliday, DeRosa, Lugo, and getting rid of Chris Duncan have helped the offense get some life.

I got to see Matt Holliday hit his first home run as a Cardinal the other night. Too bad the boys lost in 10 innings. Still a great time for my first game of the year of what I hope is many more.

So in the last couple days, the Mizzou Sports Medicine staff has had several staff outings. We went golfing (which I was terrible had been so long) and dinner at Houlihan's on Wednesday. Thursday we went to Lake of the Ozarks and went canoeing (I kayaked) for 6 miles down the river. Such a fun day with soooo many funny stories. Yesterday we had an outing at the head athletic trainer's house. It was a good time.

Orientation starts today and runs for the next couple days and is followed by the start of two-a-days. It will be seriously busy. With the start of preseason comes Mizzou Mustache Madness. Every male on staff is growing out their mustache (no beard) until August 24th. This should be fairly gross and semi-creepsterish. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life is busy but satisfying

So after working 9 straight days of camp starting the day after I moved to Columbia, I finally finished up with camps. However, today was my first day without camp and I went in for football runs at 530 this morning. I had my first day "in the office". It was kindof surreal but I got a lot of work done. I had a good sense of responsibility and accomplishment during the day. It's good. I think I'm going to adjust well.

In my down time, I've been playing a lot of MLB The Show '09. Today I upped my hit streak to 24 games but then snapped it in an awful performance. Other than that, I played some Guitar Hero with my roommate tonight and now we are watching The Passengers. We'll see how it goes.

I dont know if I'll finish it though b/c 530 comes very early tomorrow. I'm out...time to focus.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New place is up and running

Now that I officially have the internet in my apartment, I think I can declare my crib up and running. These first 5 days have been absolutely crazy. I moved in Sunday and started working everyday on Monday. When you work all day, that doesn't leave much time to get things settled in the apartment or get to know the town very well. I know its only been 4 days but I've already done sooo much. Next week, I actually stop the summer work and start working for real. Rumor is saying that it is going to be the women's volleyball team here. I don't officially know but that is the word going around. I'm actually really excited to be able to get everything set up exactly how I want it and have control of my own team. It will be a great learning experience. Time to continue surfing the net on my new wireless setup. I am pumped.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Need to time to do it

So I'm moving on Thursday....WOW! It has sprung on me so quickly and I'm not at all ready to leave Columbus. It has been an amazing for years. Everything that is planned for my future to this point was found career, my future wife, some of my best friends....This 4 years has been soooooo fast looking back on it. I never would've imagined it would be done this quickly. Either way, life goes on. I'm just glad I've gotten the chance to make the most of it.

So back to the whole I'm moving Thursday. I am not nearly where I need to be as far as packing....especially since I'm taking all of my stuff and most of Sarah's with me. Now, you say...why haven't you packed the last couple of days. Well...I'm sitting outside at boring women's lacrosse camps all day long and staying in the dorm with them at night. Grant it....I am making a good amount of money this week which is much needed, but Wednesday evening is going to be super stressful.

Wedding plans have started to move forward. They are semi-stressful at this point in the juncture. Sarah and I have hit a few snags but we will work through them together and it will be perfect. I cannot wait for our life together. It truly can't come soon enough.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate

This story is so sad. While I'm tired of hearing about it everyday...I just can't help but think about those poor kids. How did their life become so painful so quickly? They just renewed their vows last season. It's amazing what being a "celebrity" can do to your life and your marriage. I pray that those kids won't be affected too much. They are still so young and impressionable I don't know how they will make it. It's just so sad.

Monday, June 22, 2009

San Antonio..Jump on it ...jump on it

So I just spent the last 5 days driving 1300 miles to San Antonio, attending the national Athletic Training conference for 3 days and driving 1300 miles back to Columbus. Talk about a long trip and about 40 hours in a car. Lucky for me, I got to do it with 5 of my good friends so it really wasn't that terrible. During the drive, we spent the night in two super sketchy motels around Little Rock and might have feared for our safety. While in SA, we got to see the Alamo, walk around the Riverwalk (which was sweet), and visit Coyote Ugly. All of this while we were attending lectures and learning sessions about our profession. I'm tired now but it was totally worth every bit of money and lack of sleep used on the trip.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Growing up all at once

Friday: Went to dinner with Sarah at a very nice restaurant right on the river with a view of the Columbus skyline. From there, went to a great concert by the Plain White T's. It was definitely a good time. Left the show and walked around Mirror Lake where I became engaged to a wonderful amazing girl. Spent the last couple hours hanging out with some of my roommates.

Saturday: Spent most of the day at pre-Commencement for Allied Med. I received my certificate that says I completed my Athletic Training curriculum.

Sunday: I spent most of the day with 8165 other graduates in Ohio Stadium listening to John Glenn give a solid commencement address. It was hot, but I got my degree. I can't believe my undergrad career is over.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

busy weeks

Cedar Point today with some of my classmates.

Camping and lazy river tomorrow/Thursday with all of my senior AT classmates

Date night with Sarah for our 18 month anniversary.

Parents coming in to town on Friday for graduation weekend

Pre-commencement ceremony on Saturday.

Graduation on Sunday.

San Antonio on Tuesday.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Undergrad classes done....check

Just got out of my last undergraduate class ever. I was glad to be done. Not that I didn't like the class but I wish I could have ended my undergraduate career with a non-GEC class that was at 5:30 at night. Not the ideal time or class to finish up with. Oh well. Only one online exam to take on Sunday and everything is complete.

Volleyball tonight with the seniors. Then camping next week. Graduation in 2 Sundays. Then San Antonio soon after that. Then onto the next chapter in my life at the U of Mizzou.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The end of an era

So the annual Athletic Training banquet is tonight. My parents are coming in for it this weekend so I'm really excited about it. I haven't seen them since January so it will be nice. Plus I will get to thank them for everything during my quick speech.

In other news that's not so transmission is messed up on my car. I found out yesterday during a normal oil change that something is severely screwed up. I'm still waiting to find out what exactly it is.

I need to get working on my speech before mom and pop get here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

good news all around

So I spent the weekend in Pittsburgh working a volleyball tournament. 42 hours of work in 3 days is a hard life. Add that to the thousands of screaming girls with hovering parents and it makes it a bit stressful.

I did find out though that I don't have to take an exam for my Missouri certification. I also just found out tonight that my Comp Studies teacher isn't making the graduating seniors do a final paper. That is a huge relief since it was supposed to be 6-8 pages. That also means that I will get a good grade as long as I don't botch this last 2 page paper.

I also don't have to work until Monday which will give me some time off.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Quick updates

Kris Allen won American Idol...I'm very happy about that. I hope to hear his cd sometime soon.

The Cardinals swept the Cubs...we are still relishing in those victories. It really never gets old.

I move to Missouri in just over a month (July 5th). That means school is almost out...aka 2.5 weeks.

Plans for San Antonio are starting to finalize. It will be a good time.

I'm going to Pittsburgh this weekend to work a volleyball tournament. Lots of screaming girls should be a blast. Money is money though.

I am basically done with all my big projects for school, so I'm gonna start to coast.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So ready to be done

Man...I'm so close to being done. I can see the finish line just past all these remaining projects I have to get done. It's so hard though seeing everyone saying they are already finished though. It makes my motivation dwindle away.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Relay for Life

So I walked the Relay for Life last night from 9pm-6am this morning. I never really ran out of energy until right at the end when my legs were too heavy to keep going. The Athletic Training Club at OSU participated as a group as our part of community service. It was a blast hanging with everyone while we walked and chilled at the tent. I felt like since I couldn't be home for Mother's Day, this would be a great "gift" for my mom. Today is actually the 10 year anniversary of my grandma's (my mom's mom) lost battle with cancer. Seeing how it falls on or around Mother's Day every year, it is extremely tough for her. I guess this was my way of giving the day some meaning. Needlesstosay I am extremely tired b/c sleeping in the middle of the afternoon is tough. But I have stuff to do so I must push through.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I passed my certification exam. I am super stoked. Now I only have 5 more weeks of class, 1 week of finals, and then I can add ", ATC" to the back of my name. Such a relief to finally know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another rainy Tuesday

So I have yet to have my tennis class on Tuesday this quarter (5 weeks in) because it rains every week so the class gets canceled. I finally did get to have my first intramural softball game last night...however, I almost wish it didn't happen. We got destroyed but I went 1-2 with a run scored so not a bad first night.

This Saturday is 2 weeks from the end of the testing window so I should start finding out about my exam soon. I'm getting anxious again.

I sent in my information for my lease in Missouri. I'm getting excited to move. It's gonna be a great place.

My fantasy baseball teams are on a roll right now. I don't want to say to much and jinx them but I could be perfectly happy if they played how they are right now for the rest of the season. It would be a good year if that happened.

The Buckeyes had a decent showing in the draft. 2 first rounders, a 2nd rounder, a 3rd rounder, a 4th rounder, and a 5th rounder.

Soccer is moving into its last big stretch and then I'm basically done for the year except for rehabs. But when they are done, it means no more 7 am practices. That will be great.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Over and done with it

So my test is in my rearview mirror by about 4 days now. Even four days later, I'm still really unsure of how it went. It honestly could go either way. Maybe that is just me lacking the confidence in myself or something else. I just want it to be done and a sure thing. It's a waiting game now, though. I should find out in 2-4 weeks. Until that time, it is out of my control though so I'm just enjoying life, getting stuff for class done, and just hanging out.

I went out and bought MLB '09 The Show for my PS2. It was kindof a late birthday gift I guess.

My fantasy baseball team slacked off the first week and I lost 11-13. Not terrible but my team should have hit better. Hopefully, they can turn it around for the rest of this week and get a good victory.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here goes nothing

Tomorrow is the big test. I really hope that I've been properly prepared for this. Time for bed now so I can be sharp tomorrow...I mean, it's only the rest of my life.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life as a Buckeyes....soon to be a Tiger

This is going to contain lots of randomness for be prepared. You've been warned.

1.) It was 60 this weekend and then it snowed today....but then it was somewhat warm again right after. Ohio weather is stupid.

2.) Baseball season started yesterday/Sunday night and I am pumped. I seriously watched 3 straight games yesterday.

3.) I'm still pulled into 24 every week. I love it. American Idol has my number too.

4.) My huge, enormous, life altering, prove to the world I know what I'm doing certification test is Friday. I like to think that I am ready but I am freaking out inside. I just want to rock it the first time. It's too stressful and too expensive to take again.

5.)Baseball is not helping me study (of course, writing on my blog is?)

6.) My tennis class got canceled today because of the snow so now I can study during that time. That is the positive to the snow.

7.) Looking for apartments in Missouri at the same time that I'm studying is difficult. I think I've found a couple that I like and we shall see soon if I get one. It's hard from 9 hours a away.

8.) I need to start making money soon so I can buy some things that I want. It would make my life better in a couple of ways.

9.) I can't wait to move to Missouri and go to see Cardinal baseball games again. I miss them.

That's all...thanks for hanging in there.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Strange happenings at work

So I'm sitting here at work this morning and walking up to the front door of the store is a pair of Canada geese. Apparently, they laid eggs in the flowerbed directly in front of our door on Monday or Tuesday. They sit in the flowerbed and literally right in front of our door most of the day. Every now and then, they peck repeatedly on our door leaving lovely smears all over it like a dog looking out the window would. They also like to hiss at customers as they try to navigate their way into the store without being assaulted by these feathered fiends. If nothing else, they make people notice our store and business wasn't affected today. Hopefully, when the eggs hatch in a month, we figure out what to do with these birds because otherwise they will be defensive of their nest and who knows what could happen.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sightseeing and sunburns

So since yesterday was a little rainy and overcast, there was no time spent on the beach. However, we did get to go sightseeing in St. Augustine. Since this city is the oldest city in America, there is plenty of history. Sarah and I got to go to the oldest lighthouse in the country. We climbed all 219 steps to the top and the view was amazing once we got there. I could see out into the harbor and out into the ocean for miles. From there, we went to the Fountain of Youth...yes, the original one found by Ponce de Leon in 1513. I got to drink from the fountain from it was disgusting. The water tasted like it had a pound of sulfur in it. It was gross. But the park where it was located was really nice. Trees and flowers all over along with some ancient cannons and urns and things. Plus, there were 20 some blue and white peacocks walking around the grounds. It was cool to get the history behind the story and just to stroll around the walkways there. After the fountain, we headed to the first fort. We didnt walk in but we walked around and just took some pictures of the massive building. After a nice dinner, the group headed to a mini golf course just down the road from our hotel. I hit some stellar shots including back-to-back hole-in-ones (that's a lot of hyphenation). However, I fell apart in the back nine and ended up tying for 3rd out of 5 people. Oh well, can't win them all.

Today, we hit the beach for several hours. We layed around and then played in the ocean some. It was a little cold but still very enjoyable. It's off to dinner tonight and then to a walking ghost tour of this old city. Should be a great time.

Coming home tomorrow afternoon so hopefully we will get some time on the beach in the morning and then a nice car ride back to Charlotte. Time to go...peace.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh vacation

So I finished with a 3.51 for this past quarter. Not as good as I wanted but I'll take it. My overall GPA didn't change at all this quarter so I guess I can't complain.

Vacation in St. Augustine has been ok so far. It was a bit of a drive yesterday but it went faster than I expected. My hotel room is on the first floor and facing the beach. Yesterday was a little chilly when we got here and it rained at night but its getting better each day. We enjoyed a delicious seafood dinner last night and are getting ready to go sightseeing in this historic city. It should be a good time. If nothing else, it's relaxing just to sit on the bed with the door open to the outside and feel the breeze of the ocean. Hopefully the next couple days are just as enjoyable.

Backtracking a bit, Sarah and I went and saw the Globetrotters on Saturday in Charlotte. It was a great show and very entertaining. The plan was then to go out to eat at a nice Mexican restaurant there but right after we sat down, I got very sick. My head was killing me and I was semi-nauseous and dizzy. We decided it was best to get the food put in boxes and head back home. I crashed in bed for 2 hours when we got there and woke up refreshed and all better. It was a small blip on a good day but overall turned out to be a great birthday. Charlotte was a beautiful town to just walk around in and enjoy the day together. I can't ask for much more than that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Finally done with winter quarter. That was the longest week of my life. Off to NC and FL tomorrow but until then, I'm gonna watch some bball.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So last week I took an exam, a practical, and wrote 2 final papers. Tomorrow I have a pharmacology exam which should be an absolute joy. Thursday I have a research final which will be even more enjoyable than pharmacology. I could really stand to do well on both of those but we shall see if that happens. I'm not holding onto much hope for that. Either way, after Thursday, I'm done with the winter and it will be on to spring break '09. I had a slight change of plans in the last few days and instead of going to Myrtle Beach...I am gonna go a little farther south to Jacksonville. The weather in Myrtle Beach was going to be too cold to make it worth it.

The fantasy baseball season is now underway. Started the draft last night and made some decent progress into the draft throughout the weekend. The team is looking pretty solid right now. Hopefully, it turns out that way in the end.

The Buckeyes got a terrible draw in the NCAA tourney. If we win the first round, we play the #1 overall seed, Louisville, in the next game. I guess that's how the chips fall sometimes. Missouri however got a #3 seed and should make a decent run in the tourney.

I'm getting geared up for the BOC. It is getting here much faster than I want but hopefully I can just get it out of the way.

I turn 22 this week. Crazy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Last week ever of winter quarter

So tomorrow starts my last week ever of winter quarter as an undergraduate student. Winter quarter has always been my worst. I don't know if it is classes sucking or just the weather or the fact that I always have a ton of TV shows I'm watching, but I just never seem to enjoy my classes much or do extremely well in them during this time. I won't miss that at all. I honestly can't wait for this next week to be over. It won't be that tough. I have a final Wednesday and a paper due Friday. I'm almost half way done with the paper already though, so it should be easy to finish up. I should start studying for finals but that will be for next week. I'm just ready to go to North Carolina for a few days to relax before the last couple weeks of studying for my HUGE test. I'm starting to get ready but I feel like the day is coming faster than I realize. I's already March 8th...or 9th now I guess. Better get rested. Off to bed.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wow..high school wrestling

I just spent 20 hours this weekend providing medical coverage for the state championships of Ohio High School wrestling. Never really being exposed to wrestling, this really gave me a new view on what this is all about. It is intense. It was also good for a nice paycheck coming to my bank account hopefully as soon as possible.

I am registering/paying for my certification test today as well. Good thing I just got my tax refund today.

And things are all good elsewhere. It's amazing how good communication can change things.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What a life

So Missouri is now official. I accepted the position yesterday to go there next year for graduate school. I'm still waiting on my official sporting assignment but I suspect it would be with women's soccer or baseball. I honestly can not wait for this new part in my life. The only catch to the whole thing is the certification exam that is coming up quicker than anticipated. As it turns out, it seems like I might be able to take the exam in April after all. This is great news except that it rapidly increases my studying b/c now I only have a month to get through the rest of my material as opposed to 3 months. We'll see how everything turns out.

In other news, I'm very upset that I wasted my life watching the Bachelor after how it all ended. It's all over the news so I'm not going to talk about it. I am very disappointed though. On the bright side though, American Idol is picking up the pace a bit and getting to the final 12 and 24 is still as intense as ever. Season finale of ABDC is this week as well so it should be an exciting showdown.

My first couple fantasy baseball drafts are this week. I really haven't researched much so I hope they turn out well. Time for bed. It's late.

Thursday, February 26, 2009's been a while

So amidst all of the hustle and bustle of my life recently, I haven't really been able to post much. However, I feel like a lot has happened. Baseball spring games are getting going which means the regular season is coming up fast. That also means it's almost time for my yearly 4 or 5 fantasy baseball leagues. Get excited. I don't have to if you don't want but I'm going to with or without you.

Only one more class left today and week 8 of the quarter is complete. That amazes me how quickly it's gone. After this week, we only have 2 more weeks and then finals. Yikes!

American Idol is kind of a let down for me this year. I'm still watching each episode but I'm definitely not drawn in like I have been. The new formatting they have for the show really isn't very dramatic and is extremely predictable. However, 24 is living up to it's full potential. I'm so glad it's back. The Bachelor is picking his winner this week so that is gonna give me a few more hours in my week once that is done. I've also started to watch Demitri Martin's new sketch comedy show. It's pretty entertaining and I get several laughs a show from it.

Grad school stuff should be finalizing any day now so that is a big relief. Now I just have to make sure I pass my exam in June. Gotta start studying now.

One final thing that I've learned this week is that a great way to lose some weight is to get an ulcer on the inside of your tongue. It makes it darn near impossible to eat without being in pain so you just avoid those urges. Sorry if that is kind of gross...but it's not lunchtime yet so you'll be ok.

That's all for now. Gonna go enjoy the warmer weather in case it disappears abruptly again.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Headed home

So since I have an exam tomorrow, I'm procrastinating right now writing a new blog entry. I'm just so bored with this class that I don't even care anymore. Add that to the fact that I get to go home tomorrow right after my exam and you can see why I'm not focused. I'm definitely not as nervous for this interview as the one at GSU. I'm more excited than anything. I am dreading the intense amount of driving and soccer camps and other work I need to get done this weekend though. I guess this comes with it. Back to work.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Drumroll please.....

So after much deliberation with those closest to me, I've decided I am going to decline the offer to Georgia Southern and will pursue my Master's degree at the University of Missouri next year. It was a very difficult decision, but after weighing the most important factors, Missouri is the right choice for me and my future. While I am going to miss spending my days in sunny Georgia and being an hour from the beach, I think this is the best decision and I'm very happy with why I've chosen Mizzou. Now I just have to call GSU Monday to let them know. I'm excited for what the future has to hold.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ouch...that hurts!!

Life just hit me in the face today...I got an offer for a graduate assistantship position at one school and was told I rank very high at another school. That's great. The problem lies in the fact that I have to decide on the one school by Monday. What to do....what to do? I'm so confused right now. Hopefully a phone call tomorrow will help me out. I'll post more when I know more.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super game

What a finish to the Super Bowl. I was definitely on the edge of my seat during most of the game. That was for sure one of the best games I've seen in my lifetime.

Way to represent The Ohio State University Santonio by winning the MVP. You the man.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We don't have classes today so that means no exam for me. Yeah!!! Now its postponed to next week.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The weather outside is frightful

But Georgia was so delightful....This weather is just getting out of control. I realize it's winter but come on. After getting 3 or 4 inches a couple weeks ago, the snow finally melted 2 weeks later when the temperatures finally got over 32 for a day. I come back after a 70 degree day in GA, and the snow is gone. Oh happy days! The next day, it snows another 1.5 inches with a projected 5-7 more tonight plus ice. I believe there is snow in the forecast for the rest of the week. Georgia sounds better every day.

In other news, I rocked my first midterm today. It was about as easy as they get. I hope it continues tomorrow when I have one in another class. It's that time of the quarter again. I better stay on top of things.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Southern Comfort

So I embarked on the next step of my graduate school search this morning. My flight from Columbus to D.C. literally only had 15 people on it. That meant I had noone sitting in front beside, or directly behind me. It was great to spread out. Then once I finally got to GA, I saw real sunlight for the first time in weeks. I walked around without a jacket or heavy coat and it was amazing. Then I found out where I was staying for the night. I thought I would be crashing on a couch of a current GA but they got me a hotel.

In my giant room (almost bigger than my whole apartment), I have a king size bed, a sleeper sofa, a coffee table, a 45" HD TV, a DVD player with free rentals at the front desk, a computer in my room with internet, a fridge, microwave, and free coffee. My bathroom is about the size of my room at home. It has a shower and bathtub with it has a TV in the bathroom. Holy cow!! I get a free breakfast buffet in the morning too. It's incredible. And all for $64. It was worth the plane ticket to get a hotel suite like this.

I hope tomorrow goes well. I would love to have an offer on the table, even if it turns out I go somewhere else. I'm kindof excited and nervous all at the same time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack's inauguration

So I watched it this morning. I wasn't impressed. He butchered it when he was sworn in...worse than Bush did actually. And his speech sounded vaguely familiar to the one I heard when he won the election. I realize this is historic and all that jazz. And Bush looked like he was ready to get out...however, I don't think people are ready for the change thats coming to them. I'm not excited that probably within the month, Obama will overturn all abortion policies Bush took 8 years putting in place. I also don't think it will be a good time whenever I have to pay taxes to support those abortions. This is the change that's coming people. I hope everyone gets what they want out of this.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Gotta love 4 day weekends. No class on Friday's and no class today for MLK day provided me with the time needed to just relax and chill a little bit while getting some errands done. Just got back from the laundromat and now I'm going to get my hairs cut. Gotta look fly before my interview on Friday. Speakin of my interview, since I'm flying out to GA on Thursday, I will be missing class and will only have class 2 days this week. Something seems very wrong with that. I need to use my time wisely though because midterms are quickly approaching.

Pretty excited for everything coming up in my life. I have a lot scheduled and it should all be a great time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 slacking

It must be a busy start to the quarter if I haven't posted in this long. It actually has been pretty full. While my clinical time is decreased this quarter, my class work is up. I also have started to study for my certification test that's in April. I realize that its like 3.5 months away but I have to review 2.5 years of material. I'm also trying to find a job as soon as possible so I've been working on that.

In my free time, I've been watching all the season premieres of 24, American Idol, The Bachelor, and Rock of Love Bus. I don't know if I should admit those last to but I have no shame. It's not like I watch them without Sarah in the room next to me.

I have an interview in Georgia in about 2 weeks so I'm getting pretty excited/nervous about that. I just really want it to go well...especially since I shelled out the money for it.

That's all for now....gotta run to class. Peace.