Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life is busy but satisfying

So after working 9 straight days of camp starting the day after I moved to Columbia, I finally finished up with camps. However, today was my first day without camp and I went in for football runs at 530 this morning. I had my first day "in the office". It was kindof surreal but I got a lot of work done. I had a good sense of responsibility and accomplishment during the day. It's good. I think I'm going to adjust well.

In my down time, I've been playing a lot of MLB The Show '09. Today I upped my hit streak to 24 games but then snapped it in an awful performance. Other than that, I played some Guitar Hero with my roommate tonight and now we are watching The Passengers. We'll see how it goes.

I dont know if I'll finish it though b/c 530 comes very early tomorrow. I'm out...time to focus.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New place is up and running

Now that I officially have the internet in my apartment, I think I can declare my crib up and running. These first 5 days have been absolutely crazy. I moved in Sunday and started working everyday on Monday. When you work all day, that doesn't leave much time to get things settled in the apartment or get to know the town very well. I know its only been 4 days but I've already done sooo much. Next week, I actually stop the summer work and start working for real. Rumor is saying that it is going to be the women's volleyball team here. I don't officially know but that is the word going around. I'm actually really excited to be able to get everything set up exactly how I want it and have control of my own team. It will be a great learning experience. Time to continue surfing the net on my new wireless setup. I am pumped.