Thursday, April 30, 2009


I passed my certification exam. I am super stoked. Now I only have 5 more weeks of class, 1 week of finals, and then I can add ", ATC" to the back of my name. Such a relief to finally know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another rainy Tuesday

So I have yet to have my tennis class on Tuesday this quarter (5 weeks in) because it rains every week so the class gets canceled. I finally did get to have my first intramural softball game last night...however, I almost wish it didn't happen. We got destroyed but I went 1-2 with a run scored so not a bad first night.

This Saturday is 2 weeks from the end of the testing window so I should start finding out about my exam soon. I'm getting anxious again.

I sent in my information for my lease in Missouri. I'm getting excited to move. It's gonna be a great place.

My fantasy baseball teams are on a roll right now. I don't want to say to much and jinx them but I could be perfectly happy if they played how they are right now for the rest of the season. It would be a good year if that happened.

The Buckeyes had a decent showing in the draft. 2 first rounders, a 2nd rounder, a 3rd rounder, a 4th rounder, and a 5th rounder.

Soccer is moving into its last big stretch and then I'm basically done for the year except for rehabs. But when they are done, it means no more 7 am practices. That will be great.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Over and done with it

So my test is in my rearview mirror by about 4 days now. Even four days later, I'm still really unsure of how it went. It honestly could go either way. Maybe that is just me lacking the confidence in myself or something else. I just want it to be done and a sure thing. It's a waiting game now, though. I should find out in 2-4 weeks. Until that time, it is out of my control though so I'm just enjoying life, getting stuff for class done, and just hanging out.

I went out and bought MLB '09 The Show for my PS2. It was kindof a late birthday gift I guess.

My fantasy baseball team slacked off the first week and I lost 11-13. Not terrible but my team should have hit better. Hopefully, they can turn it around for the rest of this week and get a good victory.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Here goes nothing

Tomorrow is the big test. I really hope that I've been properly prepared for this. Time for bed now so I can be sharp tomorrow...I mean, it's only the rest of my life.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life as a Buckeyes....soon to be a Tiger

This is going to contain lots of randomness for be prepared. You've been warned.

1.) It was 60 this weekend and then it snowed today....but then it was somewhat warm again right after. Ohio weather is stupid.

2.) Baseball season started yesterday/Sunday night and I am pumped. I seriously watched 3 straight games yesterday.

3.) I'm still pulled into 24 every week. I love it. American Idol has my number too.

4.) My huge, enormous, life altering, prove to the world I know what I'm doing certification test is Friday. I like to think that I am ready but I am freaking out inside. I just want to rock it the first time. It's too stressful and too expensive to take again.

5.)Baseball is not helping me study (of course, writing on my blog is?)

6.) My tennis class got canceled today because of the snow so now I can study during that time. That is the positive to the snow.

7.) Looking for apartments in Missouri at the same time that I'm studying is difficult. I think I've found a couple that I like and we shall see soon if I get one. It's hard from 9 hours a away.

8.) I need to start making money soon so I can buy some things that I want. It would make my life better in a couple of ways.

9.) I can't wait to move to Missouri and go to see Cardinal baseball games again. I miss them.

That's all...thanks for hanging in there.